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Italy is one of the famous lands for art. Italy has an incredible art history. Most of the world’s famous artist are from Italy and their artistic work are still present in the art gallery of Italy. Italy has famous world artist and also has some of the famous art museum. Italy art work went on a new level in the reign of Romans. Including art like portrait and painting Italy is also famous for food and wine. In this article we will talk about some of the famous Italian art museum.

  1. The Vatican museum
  2. The Borghese Gallery
  3. The Uffizi Gallery
  4. Academy of Florence Art Gallery
  5. Bargello National Museum
  6. National Gallery of Umbria
  7. Academy Gallery in Venice

The Vatican Museums:  

It is one of the famous Italian art museum in Vatican. It is founded by Pope Julius in 1506. In 2020 it has 1,300,000 visitors and its collection size is almost 70,000. Caravaggio, da Vinci, Giotto, Lippi, and Perugino their famous art and sculptor and some modern art are present in the museum.

The Borghese Gallery:  

It is another famous Italian art museum and is located in Villa Borghese and design by the architect, Scipione Borghese established in 1903. The art building joined with its garden but now garden has been separated and has its own tourist attraction. It has large collection of roman, Greek, Egyptian musical instruments. And collection of paintings by master Caravaggio.

The Uffizi Gallery:

 It is founded by Francesco I de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany in 1581 Florence, Italy. This gallery in Italy is the most famous gallery and has the large collection of famous art woks in the world. Mona Lisa, Doni Tondo, the birth of Venus, Venus of Urbino are some example of the Uffizi ( art work. It also has a great collection of foreign art works and classical sculptures.

Academy of Florence Art Gallery:  

It is the 2nd most famous Italian art museum after the Uffizi gallery. the world most famous Michelangelo’s sculpture David is also present in the gallery. It also has an impressive collection of Florentine Gothic work. Piazza della Signoria, Saint Matthew, Palestrina Pietà are some of the famous art work in the gallery.

Bargello National Museum:

It is an Italian art museum that has three min walk from the Palazzo Vecchio. The word Bargello  is taken from the Latin word means ‘castle’ or ‘fortified tower’ the gallery also has a good collection of textiles, Armour and coins. David, (Donatello), Bust (attributed to Donatello), Bacchus, (Michelangelo) are some of the museum famous art works.

National Gallery of Umbria:

The gallery opened in 1878. Also called national gallery of Umbria in English present in central Italy. It is two floor gallery and it also has a fine collections f famous sculptures and paintings from famous Italian artist. Beato Angelico, Benozzo Gozzoli, Piero della Francesca are first flour arts and Perugino, Pintoricchio, and Francesco di Giorgio Martini are some famous art work of the gallery situated on 2nd floor.

Academy Gallery in Venice:

The gallery is also one of the greatest art galleries of Europe’s. it is founded by the Venice in 1817. Titian Virgin and Child, Paolo Veronese, Giovanni Bellini are some of its famous art works and it is also the first institution to study art work in 1777.

Fizah Sheikh

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